Distance Learning Courses

Each year approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health condition and at least 1 in 6 employees experience common mental health problems in the workplace. Research has shown that work is the biggest cause of stress which can stop people performing at their best. Mental health conditions are often hidden due to stigma and fear of discrimination and research has shown that a culture of fear and silence around mental health is costly to employers.


Distance Learning Information

This suite of Distance Learning courses are designed for you to work independently at a time to suit you.

After applying for your chosen level of course, you will be sent the enrolment paperwork, contact details and permission form, and you will be asked to pay via BACS transfer and provide evidence of photographic I.D.

Once you have completed the enrolment paperwork and paid for your course, you will be sent a copy of the course handbook through the post, and further support materials via email.

Use the coursebook and links to the power point and video resources to study at your own pace in preparation for our pre-arranged Zoom meetings, where we can discuss the module subjects and your progress. You will need to download the Zoom package from www.zoom.us (This is free).

We will then meet again for your final assessment which will be video recorded for Awarding Body evidence. Once the final assessment is complete and you have successfully completed your course, I will apply for your regulated certificate which is valid for 3 years and should be with you within 10 working days.